
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Essay on Fate in Oedipus Rex and The Seagull :: comparison compare contrast essays

Role of bunch in Oedipus Rex and The Seagull The inevitability of fate is a key field in Sophocles Oedipus Rex and in Chekhovs The Seagull. I was fascinated by the ways this inevitability was conveyed by Chekhov and Sophocles respectively and the ways in which the actions of the characters contri howevered to and heightened their fate. I shall attempt to match and contrast the way in which Oedipus and, to a lesser extent, Nina make their fates more unbearable by their own actions and choices. In each case the actor uses characterisation to enhance and increase the champion of inevitability and hence the sense of tragedy in the respective plays. Sophocles has created his Oedipus not as innately offensive but as a likeable character. It is this that makes the conclusion of his play take down more tragic.1 Had Oedipus been presented as an evil character we would have felt untold less sympathetic towards him, as it is Oedipus appears to be the very essence of integrity at the commencement of the play and in this way makes his downfall owe to a realisation of the truth even more salient. He is an ideal king - peerless who feels for his people. This addition to a well-known story by Sophocles makes the resultant dramatic irony extremely effective. His evident flaws of character make it plausible that he could have unknowingly killed his father and married his mother. He is tender-hearted but at the start of the play his excessive pride, impetuousness and efficiency, all human failings, seem to obscure and divert his search for the truth. Furthermore, he is arrogant and conceited, peculiarly concerning his personal successes Oedipus Why, when the monster with her song was here, spakst thou no word our countrymen to benefactor? And yet the riddle lay above the ken...and called for prophets skill...but then I came...and trim back her. These features of Oedipus personality lead him inevitably to assume that he, the great Oedipus, liberator of his people, could not perhaps be the murderer that they seek. Hence, it is Oedipus inflated ego that causes his fate to be so severe and his downfall so great at the end of the play. Furthermore, disrespect Teiresias words early in the play, Oedipus refuses to believe the truth that he is answerable for Laios death. His arrogance leads him to unknowingly curse himself, thus making his fate worse

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