
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Hemp Essay -- essays research papers fc

Throughout American history our demesne has come to rely on many different natural resources. With engine room and the population increasing, the number of fossil fuel reserves and natural forests atomic number 18 going down. What America needs is a renewable source of fuels and fibers that result meet the growing needs of the future, but will not misemploy our environment. One of the most promising sources of fiber, fuel, and natural oil is hemp. halter, also cognize as Cannabis Sativa L, has been utilize in our country since the early seventeenth century (Schreiber 160). Although hemp is considered an illegal drug, many people for give out that it is a part of our countrys history. Despite its negative connotations, hemp has the voltage to revolutionize the paper, cotton, and fuel industries. Its long fibers can be weaved with others to make stronger clothing, time its pulp can be used to make stronger paper. It has been known as an important resource for thousands of ye ars, and in the future, perhaps it will be again. Hemp is a countersink that originated in Asia several thousand years agone (Schreiber 7). Its genus is called Cannabis, to which there are three sub species, Sativa, Indica, and Ruderalis. Hemp is of the sativa family, which normally grows to about(predicate) 4 meters and has a hollow, fibrous stem. When self-aggrandizing industrially, the male plant is used primarily because it grows tall and spindly, producing the most fiber, and allowing the farmer to plant more in a smaller area. The female plant is much shorter, and produces buds. Hemp is ofttimes confused with another plant of the same genus, Marijuana. Because of this confusion it is imperative that the differences amongst these two plants are understood. Although very similar, Marijuana is not the same plant as hemp (Williams 2). Marijuana, also known as pot, hashish, or weed, is grown for its buds and leaves, to produce psychoactive effects when introduced into the human body. Marijuana has high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-9 Tetrahydracannibinol), the ingredient that causes the user to be high. Whereas industrial hemp typically has a THC level less than one percent, marijuana can take levels up to twenty percent (Washuk 1). Med Byrd, head paper scientist at NCSU said, "You couldnt get high off hemp even if you smoked a word the size of a telephone pole." Hemp is also contains a amount called cannibidiol, which actually inhibits THC. Under ... ...come the worlds leading crop again, as it once was.BibliographyBarnard, Jeff. Hemps visibility Getting Higher But Marijuana Factor Still a Bummer. Los Angeles Times Electric Library 23 August 1998 Cauchon, Dennis. Canadian Hemp Isnt loss to Pot. USA Today Electric Library 7 October 1998. Pg13A Jenkins, Phil. Field Of Opportunity. Canadian Geographic Electric Library 1 March 1999 Julin, Brian. The Hemp FAQ. www.cannabis.com/faqs/hemp1.shtml 1994 Kicklighter, Kirk. Getting Hemp Over The Hump. The intelligence service & ampere Observer Electric Library 4 July 1998. McDougal, Jeanette. Good Reasons to Stay Skeptical About Legalizing industrial Hemp. Minneapolis Start Tribune Electric Library 29 April 1999. Pg24A McGraw, Dan. Hemp is High Fashion. U.S. News & realness Report Electric Library 20 January 1997 Pg54-56 Quinn, Patrick. Greeks Seek to Weed Out Hemp. The Associated Press News Service Electric Library 13 November 1998 Schreiber, Gisela. The Hemp Handbook. Great Britain Vision Paperbacks, 1999. Williams, Ted. Legalize It Audubon magazine publisher Email November 1999. Washuk, Bonnie. Hemp Touted as a Better Paper Source. Sun ledger Electric Library 5 April 1998.

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