
Friday, March 15, 2019

Weimar Experience And Maintaining Democracy :: essays research papers

homo nature, in individuals, as well as within united bodies of people, is to correct, learn, and enhance from ones mistakes. If one toilettenot learn from ones own mistakes, it is necessary then to learn from the mistakes of others. When dealing with the political sciences, especi solelyy in international history, it is feasible to analyze what has succeeded, and what has failed. The coupled States, being a fairly young country, has the benefit of a relatively short past, unmarked by national nut house as a result of poor governing. The United States, by cultivation from past history of other nations, chose a system of stability and balance, called democracy, which has caused the United States to flourish over time. Democracy has successfully reined in this country for all of its 200-year history. Democracy, for our nation, has proved to be a keystone in every expectation of our success, our growth, and our strength as a country. It is crucial however, that we learn from the past, to realize that things can and do change. In the 1930s Germany, struck by inflation, a let out in the economy, and national outrage, declined from a democratic republic, to a undemocratic state. The elapse of the Weimar republic, and the rise of the NSDAP, which eventually led to WWII, shows how the drastic effects of economic problems, utmost(a) nationalism, and drastic changes in cultural identity, can lead to a totalitarian state, and a complete political kinkover within a nation. It is meaning(a) to learn from the Weimar experience in order to help maintain the health, stability, and makeice staff of our own democracy today in the United States. At the turn of the 20th century, Germany experienced an industrial revolution that caused them to almost capitalize in trade and production as a country. By August of 1914 WWI had began and Germany, both(prenominal) economically, and socially was hit hard.By the closing months of 1918, Germany, once strong and peeking in industry and economy finances, returned from the war battered and beaten. They were completely finished off by the 1919 Treaty of Versailles. The treaty outright blamed the war on Germany, and charged them with the damage fines of the entire war. Such a huge come of money would surely strike down and weaken an already bedraggled Germany, which was precisely the intention at hand. Germany was faced with paying for all insurance caused by the war.

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