Monday, March 4, 2019
Line Follower Robot
UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM EE2G externalize Report THE GREAT EGG RACE 25. 01. 2012 tabularise of Contents Appendix3 The crowd Contract3 Introduction4 Literature Review4 History of mobile zombis4 The annals of the draw and quarter- pursual zombis5 Ongoing a most advanced drops on cables length- attain outing golems or line-fol diminisheding themed automatons5 Aims6 Objectives6 Requirements6 corpse Decom aspect7 Group Management Structure9 Name of the zombi9 mechanical fancy10 Technical wefts, small Review and net Design resource10 Option 110 Option 211Review of the Frame12 Review of the Wheels12 concluding Design13 electronic Design14 Technical Options, Critical Review and Final Design Choice14 The Control unit of measurement14 The chosen microcontroller and the reasons video16F64815 Stepper Motors building block16 The motherr Unit16 com geter softwargon Design18 Technical Options, Critical Review and Final Design Choice18 Odd or even arrive of detect ors18 The Number of Sensors18 The shape in which the sensors be put together18 The angle of the V19 How does the bod fiddle? 19 period Management plan22 en turn overer Assessment24Very possible, blue cost and coverable risks24 The plans we jaunt over specific all in ally come up with for the zombie discombobulate25 Comp matchlessnts Wish List26 Conclusion28 References29 Appendix The Group Contract As a throng, EGM had ane target, to bring life to ICKI. This would non happen and with cooperation and labo release work. By signing this contract you decl be * EGM allow do the tasks they argon responsible for by the internal coldline inflexible. * If EGM had both problems fulfilling any of their responsibili relates they should inform the meeting leader in advance. EGM should back up all their convocation friction match in unexpected and strong situations. * EGM should trust their sort out catch for their potentiality of doing their suffer responsibilities h owever this does non mean that they give the bouncenot say their sound judgement and ideas. * As the work break down has been decided when the entire classify watch been together, EGM is not allowed to complain about the inconsistency in the work social class among the members of the concourse. * In any case when all the concourse members cannot get to concord on unity subject they depart ingest to count votes.If they tie they impart ease up to ask a persons opinion e really free radical member trusts. (Or they can flip a discover substitutely. ) * If EGM wants to channel any of the plans, they should discuss it with the rest of the meeting front. They argon not allowed to accept doing slightlything and do it in their own way without a group agreement. * EGM is responsible for attending all the group meetings unless they progress to a win over reason not doing so. If any of the group members disobeys any of the statements above, the rest of the group has the right to reduce their mark upon agreement.Delaram SharifiZhanar Samayeva Hedieh Ekhlasi Xun Liu Introduction The office of this initial call is to survey the created plan made in revise to accomplish the attached Robot Project. This stand out is given to entire second year and the affair of the project is to intent and construct an autonomous zombi that should follow the blue line track on a light background. First thither is an overview on the line follower robots in literature review , The aims, objectives and requirements leave behind follow the review. Literature ReviewThe line-following robots argon classified under the liquid Robots. fluid Robots ar the robots which do not have a fixed base they can keep around and do not physically affirm at one location. These changes of robots ar fairly important as it is utter in this break down of the article from Wikipedias Mobile robot is verbalise below Mobile robots are the focus of a commodious deal of present -day(prenominal) research and almost every major university has one or to a greater extent labs that focus on mobile robot research. Mobile robots are also found in industry, military and security environments.They also fall out as con midpointer products, for entertainment or to perform certain tasks like vacuum, tend and some other common ho hirehold tasks. History of mobile robots The commencement ceremony mobile robots were built during the World War II with the primary(prenominal) purpose of producing flying bombs and radars. The succeeding(a) termss would follow a light source, determine if in that location are any obstacles and plug in themselves when their battery was low and tally to the needs they would have incompatible functions and made huge improvements in the fall out so that they cover a very wide range of features.Line-following robots which are the main subject of this project are classified as wreak or Home Wheeled robots. It is necessary to be said that the technology is far more advanced now that the robots with human like or animal like legs to provide mobility rather than legs exist. The technology has gone as far as making intelligent human-like robot (Androids), with a manikin of capabilities much(prenominal) as speaking, voice recognition, strikingness recognition, human like movements, move and singing.The purposes behind these projects are coming from a variety of backgrounds as rise up such as Ho exercisehold robot which can undertakes any of a house holds maids duties and science fiction movie productions. The introduce countries in Android are Japan, Korea, the US, the UK and Iran. The information above are to immortalize how advance the technology has gone in mobile robots but since the aims chastise for this project require very much lower level of rationality the mobile robots, this subject will not be discussed further. The history of the line-following robotsThe designs of the first off line-follow er robot in 1960 was basically built for the purpose of getting controlled from universe while it is on the moon employ a camera on it for cultivateing images and video which has been unsuccessful. At 1970 the robot ended up following a high contrast white line under controlled discharge conditions at a speed of about 0. 8 mph which is bewitching contrastive to this robot projectsince we have more advanced programming equipment and processors, the robot of ours uses sensors rather than the video cameras to use less process. The main aim is well different too.The fist line-following robot was followed by more commercial apply robots for which could do vacuuming and cleaning the floor. They used sensors to get the objects out of their way which is the mode in which this projects robot will determine its track, using sensors. Ongoing a most advanced projects on line-following robots or line-following base robots The most advanced of the line followers according to the Wikipe dia, DARPA website, Kiva systems and spec -minder website are DARPA Urban Grand Challenge, with six vehicles autonomously completing a complex physical body involving manned vehicles and obstacles. Kiva dustsclever robots proliferate in distribution operations these voguish shelving units sort themselves according to the popularity of their contents. The Tug becomes a popular means for hospitals to move boastfully cabinets of stock from place to place. TheSpeci-Minderwith Motivity begins leaveing blood and other forbearing samples from nurses stations to various labs. Seekur, the first widely available, non-military outdoor service robot, pulls a 3-ton vehicle across a parking lot, leads autonomously indoors and begins knowledge how to navigate itself outside. Boston Dynamics released video footage of a new generationBigDogable to walk on icy terrain and recover its balance when kicked from the side. The mentioned robots are very advanced using not only basic pondering switch sensors but also cameras to detect whatever their purpose is. Since this project requires simple solution to coerce the robot built fast and work fast these could not very much athletic supporter in the process of building the robot. According to the websites and also reports available on the internet, every university which does ready reckoner science or electric caral engineering has got some kind of robot project and mainly line followers.The specific specifications are moderately different but in all projects the main purpose is practicing an actual project in real life and knowing how to use simple and brisk lap covering design, program and implementation. The MINI Line follower robot for deterrent example has the most similar specifications to this project. The robot needs to follow a line baroning up by a battery with size limitations. Kerman, Judith B. (1991). Retrofitting Blade show judgment of conviction Issues in Ridley Scotts Blade Runner and Philip K. Di cks Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? wheel Green, OH Bowling Green State University Popular Press. ISBN 0-87972-509-5. Perkowitz, Sidney (2004). Digital People From bionic Humans to Androids. Joseph Henry Press. ISBN 0-309-09619-7. Shelde, Per (1993). Androids, Humanoids, and Other Science Fiction Monsters Science and mind in Science Fiction Films. New York New York University Press. ISBN 0-8147-7930-1. http//www. stanford. edu/learnest/cart. htm http//www. richardvannoy. info/building-a-line-following-robot. pdf http//ikalogic. com/proj_mini_line_folower. php ttp//online. physics. uiuc. edu/courses/phys405/P405_Projects/Fall2005/Robot_project_jaseung_. pdf http//nereus. mech. ntua. gr/pdf_ps/aim11. pdf Aims * To design and construct an autonomous robot * The robot to be completed on time * To build the robot with its maximum speed * spend a penny the robot with all the possibilities to win the race Objectives * To come up with the ideas * To work as a group. Review and pract ice the skills of teamwork * To get experience of systems engineering * change electronic and machinelike practical design skillsRequirements * The robot must follow the line a) The line is 50mm wide b) The line is 10m long c) The line is dumb on white background d) The line has maximum corners of 900 e) The line is flat * The robot must move forward * The robot must carry an egg a) The mass of egg is 25gr (approx. ) b) The size of egg is 5cm x 3cm (approx. ) System Decomposition System is an organized, purposeful structure regarded as a totally and consisting of inter relate and interdependent elements such as portions, entities, factors, members, or parts.According to the Robot Project, the robot itself is the system, as it is consists of different subsystems, while the subsystems made of the components. Being more related to the Robot, it can be explained as the Mechanical, Electronic and package Designs are the main subsystems, while the elements of each subsystem is defi ned as the components. The figure below shows the Robot system decomposition for better explanation identification number 1 - The System Decomposition for the robot Group Management Structure During the meetings the work allocations amongst group members were discussed.The works as mechanical, electronic, programming, report, videodisc film and logbook were divided among each in the group. To give one work division per group member means to put a big responsibility on him, as every part has a big amount of not easy work to be done, and it can cause the difficulty in understanding the job that will lead to uncertainty. So every part has 2 members to work on it, and every group member has 3 jobs to be done by the end of the project and the work allocations are as followings * Team Leader Delaram Sharifi * Mechanical Zhanar Hedieh Electronic Xun Delaram * Programming Delaram Hedieh * Reports Zhanar Hedieh * DVD Film Xun Zhanar * Logbook Delaram Xun Name of the Robot The fir st thing was done by group is creating the bid for the future robot. This process made the group to be more opened, close-knit, and creative, as well as the process helped to improve the team working. A lot of options we considered, but the main aim of giving the quote was to create something that can reflect all of the group members in one name. So the final choice made by the group is the name ICKI.It stands by the countries of the each group member which are Iran, China, Kazakhstan, and Iran again. Mechanical Design Mechanical design for the robot presents many challenges and its main idea is to retain it simple and affordable. The mechanical design of autonomous robot is including * Robots Wheels. They are one of the most important assemblies of the mechanical platform. * Robots Frame. This frame is mechanical platform of robot and due to the frame all the parts are hold together * Motors. To control the speed and mission of the robot. * Sensors. To detect the direction.Tech nical Options, Critical Review and Final Design Choice During one of the meetings there are twain options of mechanical design were discussed. deuce group members responsible for the design presented their ideas to the group with all the aspects, advantages and disadvantages. The option as followings Option 1 The first option was presented as the robot with the round shape. wherefore the robot would have 2 wheels by the left and right sides, 2 tugs, line with 5 sensors in the front and the frame of HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene), i. e. plastic. Figure 2-Round Shape Option 2The second option is to make more traditional, the impertinent one. The rectangular robot with the frame and base of Aluminum or HDPE, with 2 wheels on the sides and with the V shape line sensors and the luxate on the front. The splay will help to control the balance. Figure 3- angulate Shape subsequently presenting the options of the mechanical design for the robot some advantages and disadvantages were written for each of the option that helped the group to take up the right one. During the discussion of the design, three things were considered capacity, light weight and low to the ground.As long as deuce gets are used for the construction of the robot and each take can take one wheel, the neediness in wheels is unsloped for two. So two wheels connected to the motors at the back of the robot is copious to control the rout and the skid connected to the sensor carte du jour in the front can help the autonomous robot control the balance. The robots size is to be about 12cm to 14 cm and 4 cm is for the wheels. Review of the Frame The frame is the basic structure to which everything should be attached and Aluminum and HDPE were considered as the frame.First of all, Aluminum is strong, light, and easy to cut and practice while HDPE is the uniform light, strong, easy to shape and cut but also the cheap one. In comparison, HDPE has a very low thermal conductivity, and a higher st rength to weight ratio than Aluminum. Review of the Wheels All the group members agreed that the liberal diameter wheels give the robot low torsion but high velocity and if the motors strong affluent then the wheels with larger diameter better to use. The speed of the robot depends on the size of the wheels and it is slap-up to have them between 1cm and 2 cm.Here are some advantages and disadvantages of the first and second options that were made during the discussions on the meetings First OptionThe Round Shape Second OptionThe Rectangular Shape Advantages * Beautiful, unusual design * HDPE frame * HDPE frame * The front skid * V shape line sensors * Compact Disadvantages * Distance between wheels and sensors is not enough to make turns right after the sensor is sight * non enough of space for circuit board, 2 motors and sensors, that makes the design not wad * Usual Design Table 1 Advantages and Disadvantages for the design optionsFinal Design taking into account all the reviews made and the table of advantages and disadvantages the decision was made is to choose the second option of the mechanical design, and to change some nuances as to use HDPE for the frame together with the V shape line sensors (also see software product Design) and add a spoon in the set between the wheels that is the high hat position to keep the balance for an egg. So the final result would intuitive lookinging like Figure 4-Final Design Electronic Design The Circuit is consisted of 5 units. Sensors are acting as the input. The control unit controls every component in the circuit.The device bowel movementr provides enough power for the stepper motor to move the robot. The Power supply powers up the whole circuit. Sensors Control Unit Driver Stepper Motors Power Supply Figure 5-Block Diagram Technical Options, Critical Review and Final Design Choice The Control Unit AVR/ ikon/8051 8051 an old but very popular controller. The older 8051s are kind of slow 12 pin gras s per commandment. Newer 8051s have 6 clocks per instruction up to 1 clock per instruction. The selection of low pin count devices is a bit limited. Most 8051s have an external memory coach that makes it easy to add memory and peripherals.CISC has free C compiler. PIC just about less old than the 8051. PICs are popular with both industrial developers and hobbyists identical due to their low cost, wide availability, large user base, extensive assemblage of application notes, availability of low cost or free tuition tools, and serial programming (and re-programming with flash memory) capability. AVR The newest architecture by about 20 years. Designed for a pipeline, so has a very respectable clocks/instruction. Good range of devices small and cheap with fairly high performance. It is very C friendly because of the RISC. ComparisonSelections AVR=PIC8051 Price AVR=8051PIC For beginners 8051PICAVR C language AVR=PIC8051 Anti-interference AVR=PIC8051 Final Choice We have used PIC i n a few experiments, so we are familiar with it. Moreover, in university we just have equipment for program the PIC, so we decided to use the PIC. The chosen microcontroller and the reasons PIC16F648 The PIC16F84 was chosen for its small size, easy reprogram ability and interrupts it is clocked at 4 MHZ by a ceramic resonator and it can be even powered by 4 AA rechargeable batteries (Very low consumption).These same batteries power the motors. This is usually not recommended since surges in motor current can affect the processors operation, but with decoupling caps in place and the watchdog timekeeper being used in the software no problems were experienced. The watchdog could readjust the processor if it went stupid before you could ever see it act up. After all, we considered the number of inputs and outputs. The inputs are number of sensors we have which is 7, and outputs are motors. So PIC16F648 which we have used several times has enough bit (8-bit PORTA, 8-bit PORTB). Stepper M otors UnitServo motor/Stepper motor Servo motor A servomotor (servo) is an electromechanical device in which an galvanizing input determines the position of the armature of a motor. Servos are used extensively in robotics and radio-controlled cars, airplanes, and boats. Stepper motor A stepper motor (or step motor) is a brushless DC electric motor that can divide a full rotation into a large number of steps. The motors position can be controlled precisely without any feedback mechanism (an open-loop controller), as long as the motor is carefully surface to the application. ComparisonBoth types of motors offer similar opportunities for precise positioning, but they differ in a number of ways. Servomotors require analogue feedback control systems of some type. Ty vulnerabilityally, this involves a potentiometer to provide feedback about the rotor position, and some assortment of circuitry to drive a current through the motor inversely comparative to the difference between the desi red position and the current position Final Choice Servo motor needs complex analogue feedback circuits. And we have used stepper motor before. However stepper motor will be given to us, so we chose stepper motor. The Driver UnitL298&L297/L293D A motor controller is a device or group of devices that serves to govern in some predetermined manner the performance of an electric motor. 1 A motor controller might include a manual or reflex(a) means for surfaceing and stopping the motor, selecting forward or reverse rotation, selecting and regularisation the speed, regulating or limiting the torque, and protecting against overloads and faults. Three ways to drive a stepper motor Use a transistor to drive each coil. But It was a little awkward to wire up the circuit board space. Also, it requires 4 pins on the PIC to drive the motor.Use a driver array packaged in an IC. Dont forget to wire in the protection diodes (i. e. SAA1027, L298, L293D) Use a specialized stepper motor driver chip . It would save on board space, and pin usage. As the price of stepper motor drive chip is very expensive and 4 transistors to drive each coil may make the board a mass. So we choose stepper motor driver IC. L298 has current capacity of 2A compared to 0. 6 A of a L293D. L293Ds package is not suitable for attaching a good heat flatten practically you cant use it above 16V without frying it. L298 on the other hand works gayly at 16V without a heat sink, so we choose L298.And in the datasheet we find out that its better to combine L298 with L297. * It needs to be considered that regarding to the temperature power supply is going to add to the circuit a heat sink needs to be included in the board otherwise it would melt. Software Design Technical Options, Critical Review and Final Design Choice The software to be used in order to program the pic CCS C Compiler, as it is the well-known software for the group. This software was used to do experiment laboratories for EE2A course and to u se CCS C Compiler to program the robot will be more than adequate and helpful.Odd or even number of sensors Both odd and even numbers are possible to use, the group has chosen the odd to increase the accuracy and make the code more understandable and clear. As it will be explained how the program works, it will be clear how they both can be used. The Number of Sensors * 3 The program would work, but not accurate enough. All turns, no matter large or small will be reacted the same. * 7 Again, the program will work, but needs far too much extra effort, increases the time of processing the data and makes the code very complicated. 5 Is a abruptly fine number, will give the opportunity to detect the turns in two different stages so that the robot can make the turns soon enough and with more accuracy. The shape in which the sensors are put together * An cover down V Where the middle sensor is in the front, followed by two sensors, wider from each other in the back and followed by anoth er two sensors, wider at the very back. This will not work because the turn is detected by the wider sensors later than the right time for to move to be interpreted from the robot. This method may be accurate but would not help the robot being fast. line Where all the sensors are at the same level. This method is better than the latter but still will not make the robot to detect the larger turns sort of in order to make the reaction at the right time. * V The middle sensor is at the very back corner, two sensors with a wider distance comes next and the last two, again wider at the front. This method makes the robot understand the large angles sooner with the outer sensors, so that the robot will start turning sooner than the smaller angles which are detected by the middle sensors. The angle of the VThe angle should not be too small, because the robot will start the turns too early, and it should not be very wide because then it would not make any difference from the flat shape. Th is is to be experienced during the interrogation process but the decided angle at this time is long hundred degrees. How does the program work? As it has been explained before, there are 5 sensors to be used in the robot. The recognition of the turns has been explained in 4 figures below. The green circles set out the sensors which have detected the black line and the red circles represent the sensors which have detected the white surface.The green circle is the logic 1 and the red is the logic 0. Normal positions of the sensors In this situation, when only the middle sensor detects the black line, the robot moves straight forward without any turns. The logic is 00100 2. 5 cm Figure 4- The normal position of the sensors More than 50? turns including the 90? When the turn is more than 50 degrees, the outer sensor feels the turn sooner than the middle sensor, so that the robot will start turning earlier, or if decided faster as well. The logic is 00101. Figure 5-The more than 50? t urns.It also needs to be said that if the large turns are casualty for a very little while (for less than 4. 5 cm), the middle sensor will sense the turn first so that the robot would not change the direction to fast and get out of control. slight than 50? turn When the turn is more than 50? , the middle sensor feels the turn first, so that the robot starts turning at a level-headed time to mete out the turn. The logic is 00110 Figure 6-The less than 50? turns or so 50 degrees turns At this situation, both middle and outer sensor feel the turn at the same time.The logic is 00111. Figure 7- ? 50 ? Time Management plan Due to EE2G1 module, students have learnt how to manage their time in given projects using the graphs, charts and tables. Here is the Gantt chart that consists of two tables. The first one helps to analyze what tasks has to be done, when it has to be started and what amount of time is given and also gives the information about each task, if it is sequential or para llel. Task early Start ( workweek) Length (week) Type Dependent on A. High aim analysis week 0 1 week Sequential B.Selection of Mechanical Design and Components Week 1 1 week Sequential A C. Detailed Analysis of Electronics for Robot Week 1 1 week Sequential A D. Mechanical Design Week 2 2 weeks Sequential B E. Circuit Design Week 2 2 weeks Sequential C F. Build Mechanics Week 4 2 weeks Sequential D G. Build Circuit Week 4 1 weeks Sequential E H. Construction Week 6 1 week Sequential F, G I. Programming Week 3 3-4 weeks Parallel D, E, F, G, H, J. exam Week 7 4 weeks Sequential H, I K. Demonstration Week 11 - Sequential JTable 1 Gantt Table Summarizing the first table, information should be transferred to the chart. The chart helps visualize all the given tasks and the time given to accomplish them. Week 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (1) A. High Level Analysis (1) B. Selection Of Mechanical Design and Components (1) C. Detailed Analysis of Electronics for Robot (2) D.Mechanical D esign (2) E. Circuit Design (2) F. Build Mechanics (1) G. Build Circuit (1) H.Construction (3-4) I. Programming (4-5) J. Testing DEMONSTRATION affair 1 Gantt Chart Risk Assessment As everything else, this project has its own risks and surmisal of troubles. We cannot stop the problems from happening, but we can consider the ways we would manage if they have happened.There are different types of problems which may occur, some with large possibility but manageable damage, some with very little possibility but disastrous damages. The group has come with some ideas about these risks and how to manage them which are as follows Very possible, low cost and manageable risks Burning the electrical components such as the PIC or the power sources 1. Keeping good care of the more expensive components, putting them in a position which brings the possibility of the damage to the least possible. 2.Having alternatives for each component, more for the cheap and more burnable ones, less fo r the more expensive and least burnable ones. Losing the documents, programs or components 1. Taking good care of where the materials are saved or put, maybe write the places down or share with other group mates in case for memory loss. 2. Having a photo of each knave of the written documents, copies of the electronic stuff on different places, and having a tend for the components we have to pack every time. The A plans adversity 1. Having a plan Bs and image Cs for all the Plan As. . Plan Bs can be for a change in the A plan, but plan Cs are completely different methods in case the whole plan has been a whole of a lot of rubbish. 3. Having the responsible person ready for the plans when the failure comes so that the change can be quick and easy. Running out of time 1. Having psyche responsible for the plans to go as it has been decided in the time solicitude plan, taking care of even slight late results to prevent the sum of smalls becoming a huge delay. 2. Stopping panic a ttacks or they will cause more delay. 3.Keeping everything simple and tidy in order to make the trouble shooting faster and easier. The plans we have specifically come up with for the Robot project 1. Taking good care of the PIC, having alternatives for all the components. 2. saving the programs on memory sticks, computer and email. 3. Keeping pictures of the critical pages of the log book. 4. Having an alternative way of programming for the line detecting bits. 5. Having some options for the components available in case the robot doesnt work out with them. 6. Having a map of the circuit with all the explanations about wiring and connections. . Keeping the actual circuit nice and tidy, the wires low and the colors right. Components Wish List According to the design decisions, the list of components needed for the project can be made. There are some basic components required in order to accomplish the mechanical, electrical and software design of the robot, such as * HDPE for the fr ame and chassis * 2 wheels * 1 skid * 2 DC stepper motors * Sensors * Circuit board * Capacitors, resistors, Diodes, Transistors (referring to the main components) * Microcontroller * LEDs Every group is provided with 40 ? n order to buy the components needed. The table below shows the approximate price estimations Wheels ? 2-3 PIC16F648 (2) ? 4 Sensors (5) ? 5 HDPE plastic ? 10 LEDs ? 5 be intimate Box ? 2 Resistors ? 2 Capacitors ? 2 Skid ? 2-3 Heat decline ? 3 Conclusion This project is not only for making line follower race robot but it is also a great and realistic practice for group work and project management. This is a hard challenge and is only possible to manage with co-operation, hard work, motivation and enthusiasm. each(prenominal) individual member learns how to cope with different opinions and ideas.They learn to be patient of and do not let anything personal get involved in the work since this may ruin the friendly environment among the group members. By doing th is project a lot of skills will be developed such as * Group work * Time management and working by deadlines * Work break down in equal amount among group members * Decision making * Risk management * Budget management * working with time limit and in stressful conditions * Starting a project from scratch, developing ideas and making improvements * Undertaking risks and responsibilities * Keeping good and reliable supporting Keeping motivation and encouragement among the group live or dead By the end of this project we will have done a complete project management plan and implementation. We will know how to face troubles and problems and hopefully this is going to be a great memory of how we learnt to manage a real project in practice. References Online Documents * BASIC ROBOT chemical mechanism TUTORIALS, (2005-1012). Society of Robots. Retrieved from http//www. societyofrobots. com/mechanicsbasics. shtml * Priyank PatilDepartment of Information Technology S. W. Nawawi, M. N. Ah mad, J. H.S Osman (2008). Real-Time Control of a Two Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Mobile Robot * http//forum. pololu. com/ * * Ooi, Rich Chi (2003). balance a Two-Wheeled Autonomous Robot. University of Western Australia. Thesis B. Mechatronics Engineering. * Ong, Yin Chee Abidin, M. S. B (2006). Design and Development of Two Wheeled Autonomous balance Robot, Center for Artificial Intell. Robotic (CAIRO), University Technology Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. 4th Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD 2006), Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA, 27-28 June, 2006. Vivien Coelho Stanley Liew Karl Stol Guangyu Liu (2008). Development of a Mobile Two-Wheel fit Platform for Autonomous operations. Department of Mechanical Engineering, the University of Auckland. 15th International group discussion on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice (M2VIP08), 2-4 Dec 2008, Auckland, New-Zealand. * Jose Miranda (2009), Application of Kalman Filtering and PID Control for Direct Inverted Pendul um Control. Master Thesis, atomic number 20 State University, Chico Spring 2009. * R. Hollis, BallBots, Scientific American, October 2006.Retrieved February 4, 2009. Available at the World childlike Web http//www. sciam. com/article. cfm? id=ballbots * Pakdaman, M. Sanaatiyan, M. M. (2009), Design and Implementation of Line Follower Robot, Computer and galvanizing Engineering, 2009. ICCEE 09. Second International Conference on , vol. 2, no. , pp. 585-590, 28-30 Dec. 2009 * Priyank Patil (2010), AVR Line quest Robot, Department of Information Technology K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering Mumbai, India. Retrieved Mar 5, 2010. Available at http//www. kmitl. ac. th/kswichit/ROBOT/Follower. pdf * Swope Design.Inc. , Balancing Robots Made Easy, Available at http// www. Balbots. com, 2004. * Miller Peter (2008), Building a Two Wheeled Balancing Robot, University of Southern Queensland, Faculty of Engineering and Surveying. Retrieved Nov 18, 2009. Available at http//eprints. usq. edu . au/6168/ 2 . Each Group Member 3 . Statements can be added to this contract upon the entire groups agreement 4 . Mobile Robot, Wikipedia website http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Mobile_robot 5 . http//ikalogic. com/proj_mini_line_folower. php
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